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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2018-11-10 15:40:53  点击数:




  Undoubtedly, the issue of cooperation attracts a lot of our attention today. According to a survey conducted among a group of people who were in the same college class 10 years ago, those who are ready to give their cooperation to others all become rich or managers of all field, while not a single young man having difficulty in getting along with their classmates becomes an executive or boss. Why those who are excellent in team work tend to be managers or own their own enterprise in their later life?The answer seems self-evident. On the one hand, if you are competent in profession, but have difficulty in getting along with your colleagues and even your boss, you can hardly survive the corporation. On the other hand, your chances of success are much higher with wide circle of friends who are willing to cooperate with you to provide information and resources.

  It is my view that, first of all, we can frequently use the above example to enlighten the juvenile to learn to cooperate successfully with each other. On the other hand, whatever difficulty or situation we are confronted with, those who have the spirit of cooperation and team work are nearer to success. Just as John Adams, the second U.S. president quoted from the ancient Greek Aesop's Fables, United we stand, divided we fall.








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