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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2016-2-25 9:58:50  点击数:


Text One

A. sending

B. as well as

C. beyond


A. _56_ the reach of most Americans

B. _57_ young people to college

C. _58_ the wages of average families

A research group in California has released a “national report card on higher education.”The report says the price of college has increased more than four hundred percent since 1982. Costs have climbed much faster than other prices ----_59_. The group warns that a continuation of these trends would put higher education _60_. And it would mean greater debt for those who do go to college. The report also expresses concern that the United State is losing its leadership in _61_.

2 考察目的


e.g.: A. _56_ the reach of most Americans

B. _57_ young people to college

A. sending      B. as well as   C. beyond

e.g.: The report || [also] expresses concern that the United State || is losing its leadership (in _61_).

A. _56_ the reach of most Americans

B. _57_ young people to college

C. _58_ the wages of average families

II. 解题技巧

1 五大基本句型




  It || V ….+ that/whether + S V…. 完整句子

+ what/who/whose/where/when/why/how + S V…. 残缺句子

  What + S V 残缺句子 || V….

e.g.: It || is obvious that the sports games || are [no longer] amateur affairs.

e.g.: It|| has not yet been decidedwhen the meeting to be held.

e.g.: What is happening|| is a survival-of-the-fittest struggle



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