Proverb Today
Speed is the soldier's asset. 兵贵神速。
Part One
1. The
A. confiscated B. surfeited C. withered D. placated
2. In the dark room I took him for Joseph.
A. failed to notice B. introduced him to C. confused him with D. brought him to
3. She is one of the most agreeable members of our class.
A. cogent B. congenial C. congenital D. conventional
4. Influenza is an acute viral disease of the respiratory tract that is extremely contagious and often reaches epidemic properties.
A. communicable B. dangerous C. prevalent D. toxic
5. Only man has the capacity of speech, which _________ him from all other living things.
A. differs B. separates C. departs D. distinguishes
Part Two Error Detection
1. His frantic desire (to demonstrate)A a racial solidarity (with)B the whites (against)C Negroes might make him (to betray)D me.
2. Since we did not know (how to)A build a cabinet (ourself)B, we had (to hire) a carpenter to do (that)D.
3. Professor Baker, with six of his graduate students, (are)A attending a conference in
Part Three
1、 如果人们继续大量砍伐树木,生态就会失去平衡。
2、 随着能源消耗日益增加,人们担心世界能源有一天回枯竭。
3、 只要我们继续努力工作,我们就能提前完成任务。
Part One:
1 迈阿密港务局没收了价值500万美元的毒品. Seize 抓住,查封
A. confiscate没收充公 B. 过度饮食 C.wither 凋零
2. 在黑暗房间我错把他当成Joseph
A. 没注意 B 把他介绍给 C 把他与… 混淆 D 把他带到
3. 她是我们班最合群的人.
A.说得过去 B 性格温和,好相处 C 先天的 D 传统的
4. 流感是一种严重的病毒性呼吸道疾病,它极具传染性且常会达到流行病所有特征
A会传染的 .B 危险的 C普遍流行 D 有毒的
Part Two 1.D. betray 2. B. ourselves 3. A. is
Part Three
1. If people continue to cut down trees in large numbers, the ecology will be off balance.
2. As the consumption of energy has been increasing day by day, people are afraid that the energy resources will be used up some day.
3. As long as we go on working hard, we’ll be able to accomplish the task ahead of time.